Committee Information
Alternative Education
Alternative Education is a sub-committee of CDC, created to design and guide the alternative school program.
Bond Committee
The Bond Committee will assess building needs, develop improvement plans, and advise on a possible funding referendum for school infrastructure upgrades.
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Budget Advisory
The Budget Advisory Committee provides feedback to the Board of
Education during the budget development process. It is representative of
all stakeholders in the À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ.
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Bullying Prevention Task Force
The À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ-wide Task Force will assist the administration in developing and implementing specific procedures on early identification of bullying and preventative strategies.
Calendar Committee
Established to develop recommendation to the Board of Education for the district calendar
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Code of Conduct Committee
Developed in respect to Education Law, sections 11(1) and (2) and 2801(1), dictating that a written code of conduct must be adopted and enforced. Such a code shall be developed and reviewed in collaboration with student, teacher, administrator, and parent organizations, school safety personnel and other school personnel.
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Curriculum Development Committee
À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ School Board Policy 4200, Curriculum Management, requires the review of all course proposals and curriculum writing projects.
The Curriculum Development Committee will recommend courses and curriculum projects to the Superintendent of Schools. This committee will also review the procedures and documentation related to course proposals and curriculum writing as needed.
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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee
The mission of the À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee is to foster inclusivity, value diversity, and promote equity in our school community. As a district, we are committed to addressing and dismantling discriminatory treatment, unfair policies and biased practices based on race, gender, religion, ability and/or sexuality. We will cultivate, acknowledge, celebrate and honor the cultural differences of our students, staff, parents and community members. We do this with respect, self-awareness, authentic engagement, and a willingness to learn from one another.
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Emergency Management Committee
À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ-wide team that addresses policies and procedures for response to emergency situations, evacuation, lockdown, lockout, post-intervention, etc.
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Grading Committee
Reviews all grading issues and makes recommendations to the Board of Education.
Program Review Committee
Reviews and recommends programmatic changes as addressed in BOE policy 0350.
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Property Analysis Committee
Professional Steering & Professional Development Committee
Plans and implements program, workshops, and activities for Superintendent’s Conference and Professional Development Days. Plans and approves professional development activities and prepares the Professional Development Plan, which provides the necessary guidance to fulfill the requirements of NYS Commissioner’s Regulations 80-3.6(b), 100.2(dd).
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RtI Committee
Established to address requirements under Commissioner’s Regulations 100.2 (ee) and Board Policy 4325
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School Safety Committee
Responsible for policies and procedures related to district-wide safety.
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Strategic Planning
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Technology Committee
Meets to plan, discuss and promote the use of technology throughout the district, primarily to support student learning and enhance teaching.
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Wellness & HIV/AIDS Committee
Advocates for the health and well-being of the students, staff and community.
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